United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
This is a Mixed School Committee
UNCSW Topics
Topic 1
Regulation of Social Media as a Tool for Online Recruitment, Trafficking, and Control of Women.
Topic 2
Regulation of Surrogacy
President: Lucía Rodríguez Ortiz
School: Colegio Bolivar
President: Antonia Orjuela
School: Colegio Bolivar
Contact your presidents: uncsw@ccbcali.edu.co
The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) is the principal global body dedicated to promote gender equality and empowerment of women, established in 1946. It emerged as a necessity to deal with women's rights violations and gender inequality, aspects that threaten international development. Thus, the UNCSW is in charge of studying the reality of women's lives throughout the world, discussing certain issues and bringing solutions and action plans.
The UNCSW is in charge of addressing emerging issues that affect gender equality, agreeing on actions by adopting agreed conclusions and resolutions. It works based on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, adopted at the 4th World Conference on Women. Member States agree on further actions which will accelerate progress and promote women's rights in different fields.
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