In this section you will find:

Preparatory presentations
Important Documents

01. Portfolio
As a delegate of CCBMUN, you are required to hand in a portfolio before the model actually starts. This is in order for your presidents to make sure you have done some research about both your country and your topics so that you won’t get stuck or lost at any point of the debate. Our portfolio has been designed to help you to do a clear and concise investigation, enabling you to present a thorough declaration of your delegation's position.
The portfolio is composed of 4 compulsory documents: 2 Opening Speeches, 1 Research Document, and 1 Nation Guide. GLS delegates are expected to check the committee guide for further instructions on how to do their portfolios.
You must send your portfolio via email to your Committee's official email (found on the respective committee pages) by the date published on the Events & Dates page in "About CCBMUN". Failure to send in a portfolio by this date will mean you will not be eligible to receive any award in the closing ceremony, unless there are special circumstances that have been approved by the Secretary General.
The delegate portfolio is composed of the following documents:
Nation Guide
One Nation Guide per delegate. If you have to represent 2 different countries, you only need to write a nation guide for one of them.
The template provided in this page must be used.
The document must contain your name, delegation, and committee.
The document must be named according to the following format: COUNTRY-YOUR NAME-NG e.g. UK-SARA GOMEZ-NG
You can find most of the information you need on these websites:
If you are representing a person or a company rather than a nation, please ask your presidents what you will need to put in the portfolio.
For delegates in GLS, please use the template named GLS Biography Template
Nation Guide Template
GLS Biography Template
Research Document
One Research Document per delegate.
The template provided on this page must be used.
Please use the font in the template.
The document must contain your name, delegation, and committee.
The document must be named according to the following format: COUNTRY-YOUR NAME-RD e.g. RUSSIA-TOMAS DUQUE-RD
Research Document Template
GLS Research Document Template
HoC Research Document Template
02. Preparatory presentations
The delegate preparatory presentations are a series of resources that are used in the beginner's workshop that takes place at the Colegio Colombo Británico and in virtual sessions weeks before the model. These are designed for first time delegates to our model and aim to explain the main things a delegate should know before facing the debate.
Although this resource was created for first time delegates, we encourage all delegates to use these resources to remind important information.
Here you will find the presentations of all the workshops, to help you to study a bit more for the model. Click on the icon to open the presentation.
Parliamentary Procedure
Dress Code
03. Important Documents
Delegate Handbook
Summary of Parliamentary Procedures
Model Templates
Draft Resolution
Draft Resolution Example
Find your way around the ICESI

If you do not have Microsoft Word on your computer, download the document onto your computer, then go to Drive and upload the document from the Downloads folder.
The following sites are examples of useful and reliable sites that will surely help you complete an excellent investigation in order to be well prepared.
Opening Speeches
One opening speech per topic - 2 in total.
Each speech must state your country's position for the topic.
It must be no longer than 45 seconds. One speech is given at the beginning of each topic.
The document must contain your name, delegation, and committee.
Each document must be named according to the following format: COUNTRY-YOUR NAME-TOPIC#-OS
Opening Speech Example 1
Opening Speech Example 2
Opening Speech Template
GLS Opening Speech Template
HoC Opening Speech Template